Injury Prevention Section

About (IPS)

This section participates with the relevant authorities in developing national policies and legislation for the prevention of injuries of all kinds. It also monitors injuries through the electronic surveillance program for the registration of injuries that is treated in health institutions, thus setting priority plans and programs and enhancing the safety culture of community members to prevent them. One of the primary tasks of this section is to conduct studies and research in the field of injuries of all kinds in general, and injuries resulting from traffic accidents in particular.


Developing national policies and legislation

Electronic surveillance and control

Collecting and analyzing statistical information

Conducting research and studies


Working within an integrated set of related sectors to reduce the percentage of injuries and deaths so that they do not constitute a public health problem either at the individual level or at the level of different sectors through the management of injuries of high quality.


Substitute a safety culture as an approach to injury prevention in the Sultanate of Oman .

Injury statistics

What is an injury?

The term" injury” by definition means that there is a body lesion due to an external cause, either intentional or unintentional, resulting from a sudden exposure to energy (mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical or radiant) generated by agent - host interaction. This generation and transfer of energy to human beings lead to tissue damage, when it exceeds the physiological tolerance of the individual. On the contrary, injury can also occur due to sudden lack of a vital requirement of the body, example lack of air as in drowning. In injuries there is a definite interaction between agent, host and environment occurs and in varying severities and with possibilities of repeat occurrence.

Types of of injuries

Injury may be classified in a number of ways. A commonly used method for classifying injury is according to whether or not they were deliberately inflicted, commonly referred to as intentional, unintentional and undetermined injuries. Unintentional injuries are also referred to as accidental injuries, while intentional injuries are self-inflicted in nature. A second common method of classifying injuries is according to the mechanism which caused the injury, like road traffic crashes, poisoning, falls, fires/burns, drowning /near-drowning, fall of external objects and others. Intentional injuries are primarily determined by intent and include suicides, homicides and different types of violence against women, children and elderly. It also includes collective violence including wars, riots and others. A third method of classifying injuries is according to place of occurrence like Road injuries, home injuries, sports injuries and work related injuries. Fourth method is based on anatomical types and location of injuries depending on body organ injured.

Road traffic injury

Road traffic injury

Injury sustained due to a direct or indirect impact of a vehicle on the road during any activity which includes driving, walking, standing, etc


Injury sustained as result of fall from stairs, steps, ladder, tree, bed, etc or from/out of the building or into a hole or other open surfaces. 

Fall of object

This refers to injury sustained as a result of fall of object/s on the individual who may be moving or stationed.

Personal Assult2


It is an intentional injury sustained due to use of force (bodily or with the help of an object) by one human being on another.

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