Environmental Health Section

About (EHS)

The Environmental Health Section works to create healthy, safe and sustainable communities by improving the quality of life and well-being of the population in Oman through prevention and control of morbidity, disability and premature death caused by environmental risks.


Setting policies, strategies and executive plans

Conducting research

Training workers

Rasing awareness


Improve the quality of life and well-being of the population in Oman through prevention and control of diseases related to environment


Safe and healthier environment for all


Omani 21%
Hand enjeries 20%
Heart disease 34%
Obstructive Pulmonary disease
Chronic 19%

environmental health

Develop policies, strategies and action plans in environmental health. Conducts risk assessments; operational research; health impact studies; trainings and provide appropriate solutions to EH risks. Coordinate with other relevant ministries, agencies and departments in the field of EH.

Air Quality

Air Quality

Air pollution is a major contributor to adverse human health conditions, from asthma to cardiovascular disease to premature death. Reducing air pollution would prevent premature deaths, enhance human efficiency and productivity
Air quality management strategies should include controlling emissions at the source, reducing emissions and decreasing population exposure.more>> 

Chemical Safety

Chemical Safety

Chemicals safety is the practice of reducing risk of human exposure to toxic chemicals in any environment.

Chemical safety is the application of the best practices for handling chemicals and chemistry processes to minimize risk, whether to a person, facility, or community. It involves understanding the physical, chemical, and toxicological hazards of chemicals.more>> 

Climate Change

Climate Change and Health

Climate change can directly threaten health in several ways: through heat-related morbidity and mortality, and through flooding and storms with associated trauma and mental health impact.

Although global warming may bring some localized benefits, such as fewer winter deaths in temperate climates and increased food production in certain areas. more>> 

Health and sustainable development

Health and sustainable development

The goals of sustainable development may not be achieved when there is an alarming increase in numbers of debilitating illnesses related to various environmental risks; 

therefore health is a key contributor to sustainable development.


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